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Friday, March 27, 2015

Archbishop Zaccheus Okoth Swindles Millions of Cash from the Vatican

The Kenyan Catholic Church has been thrown into DISARRAY following shocking revelations of how the Archbishop of Kisumu Archdiocese, Zaccheus Okoth, has been using DUBIOUS processes to DEFRAUD the Vatican millions of cash.

In an expose’ dubbed “The Lead” by Kenya Television Network, documents containing incriminating EVIDENCE have revealed numerous letters written by the office of the Archbishop to the Vatican asking for MILLIONS of money intended for development projects, most of which cannot be accounted for. It has also emerged that the archbishop had been FORGING signatures of catholic priests and brothers in the Archdiocese of Kisumu to SOLICIT funds from the Vatican.

This comes amid numerous claims of FAKE Kenyan priests who have become millionaires overnight by defrauding innocent believers. Many are now waiting to see what action will be taken against those who are behind this racket.  

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Breaking News: Uhuru Directs Corrupt Public Officials to Step Aside

President Uhuru Kenyatta has issued a directive requiring all public officials who have been adversely mentioned in a report compiling recent corruption cases to step aside to allow investigations to continue.

He was addressing Parliament in this year's State of the Nation address.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HGPa9cFhIg

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Kenyan MPs Waste Time Debating the Conduct of House Speaker Justin Muturi

As Kenyans continue to grapple with hard economic times, runaway CORRUPTION,  and the ever growing cases of INSECURITY, our honorable members of parliament, who are supposed to be enacting laws to help deal with these problems, are busy discussing issues as TRIVIAL as the conduct of fellow members.

Honestly speaking, we have LOST DIRECTION as a country and only a major overhaul can rectify the situation. When a member of parliament is elected, their main business in the house ought to be REPRESENTATION. They are required to be the MOUTHPIECE of the people who elected them, enacting laws that will ensure the rights of their constituents are fully guarded.

But it's so sad to report that three years after the current parliament was sworn in only one or two meaningful businesses have been conducted in the house. The rest have been INCONSEQUENTIAL debates that most definitely won't have any meaningful effect on the life of the Kenyan electorate. A case in point is the debate that lasted for over three hours on 24 March, 2015. It is even sad to think about the wasted evening session as members of parliament debated about the conduct of the House Speaker, Justin Muturi.

What effect would the speaker's reference to a member of parliament in the house have on my life as a Kenyan citizen? This is the sad question most Kenyans have been asking. It gets even sadder when you look at the numerous cases of CORRUPTION and SEXUAL HARASSMENT bedeviling the august house. It could be true that the speaker has lost control of the house, thus allowing members to think and act like they are above the law.

But for crying out loud there are other more important matters to debate about than to spend three hours arguing about whether the speaker was right in referring to a member as "that short one" or "that one with bald head". Seriously, this parliament has demonstrated lack of RESPECT and WILLINGNESS to uplift the lives of Kenyan citizens.